Tag Archives: workout

WIAW 05/03/2014 Bruno You Almost Killed Me

Well Wednesday is officially winding down.  I hope the fist half of the week has been enjoyable for everyone.  Mine has been busy and cold… so nothing really new there.  Since it is Wednesday and I have a phone full of food photos I may as well join in on the fun going on over at Peas and Crayons and contribute to WIAW.  This will be my second week of a wheat free WIAW and that means I have also made it over a week without wheat and you know what?  I don’t even miss it!!


Thanks so much Jenn for hosting 🙂

Breakfast: Before hopping on the bike to head into work I devoured half of a perfectly ripe grapefruit.  For some reason I usually only have them hanging around on weekends, I think that this will have to change.photo 1

Once I peddled my little legs to work I checked emails did some work and then dived into coffee and overnight oats with apple and PB on top.  That mug is my new favourite 🙂

photo 2

After my usual work through the morning I broke for snack one of a banana, not pictured but I am sure you know what the look like 😉

Real Snack 1 I was getting pretty hungry and had a lunchtime workout planned so I put together a yogurt/ricotta bowl with blueberries, strawberries, and granola.  I also had a hot cup of tea.  I am pretty sure I munched my way through a couple of Merry’s crackers and some almonds as well.photo 3

My workout consisted of 20min on the treadmill all while trying in vain to get my netfix to work.  Unfortunately the internet just didn’t want to cooperate.  After my warm up I completed the 30min Be Explosive NTC  workout.  It kicked my butt and my arms felt slightly broken.

By the time I got back to work I was getting Hangry.

Lunch: A massive salad filled with nuts, cheese, humus, and avocado.  It actually filled me up for about a minute before I went back for some more crackers and humus.

photo 4

Work, work, work,..

Snack 2 Apple, more crackers and humus (they are too good), and a couple jube jubes.  I know you know what an apple looks like but here it is anyway 🙂

photo 5

I left work and met John so that we could peddle home together into the sunset…. ya, movie material right there.

By the time we got home I was ready to eat anything that got in my way.

Dinner: A stir fry filled with veggies and shrimp over rice noodles.  I already know that I will be snacking tonight and may have already had a rice cake topped with PB.


After dinner I quickly headed to the library to pick up The Wheat Belly Cookbook.  I am exited to see what it has in store.  On the way home Bruno Mars came on the radio and I almost drove off the road in my panic to change the station.  Bruno, you almost killed me!

Have a great night everyone and I hope the rest of the week is a good one!


1) Is there any music artist you can’t stand?

2) Do you have a favourite plate/bowl/mug etc?


MIMM 3/03/2014

OOOOOOO it’s the third day of the third month!  To think that if I was actually on the ball and got this post (I just wrote pot haha… small things amuse small minds) up earlier I wouldn’t have noticed that 😀  There’s method to the madness.

How was everyone’s weekend?  Get up to anything much?  Mine was okay for not being able to get outside much.  Got some errands run on Saturday morning, met up with friends Saturday afternoon, and then headed to my parents for dinner Saturday night.  On Sunday I managed to hit the gym for some running, biking, and 8 minute abs.  This was followed by some cleaning, dinner prep (slow cooker chicken and barley stew) which was so fast thanks to Iowa Girl Eats, and making some mall returns.

So I thought it would be fun to participate in MIMM by finding marvellous solutions to problems.  Thanks to Katie, as always, for hosting this link up!



Problem….photo 1

Saturday’s ridiculous temperature waking up

Marvellous solution…

photo 2

It kind of looks like my breakfast can fly… or at least hover.

Problem ..



Had some hangry moments

Marvellous solution…photo-1

Just a breakfast larger than my plate


photo 4

Sunday’s temperature… yes ambient temperature is better but windchill worse 😦

Marvellous solution…photo 3

Hot tea in my new mug from Market Collective!

Yup… I solved all of my problems with food 😀 and I think that is just marvellous!

One of my last thoughts of the day



1) did you have any problems that you solved this weekend?

2) What was the best thing you did this weekend?


WIAW 29/01/2014

Hello! Hello!

I am in a bit of a tare while I am writing this as I have just got back from an Body Attack class and still have to finish some food.  So here are my eats from Tuesday!  Thank you to Jenn for hosting this like up!

Breakfastphoto 1 photo 2A hot up of coffee followed closely by some overnight oats with sliced banana and PB.  I ate the rest of the banana as a mid morning snack!

photo 3


photo 2

This is a file footage picture but I basically had this for lunch.  In the wrap was some left over pulled chicken chilli from the weekend with some cheese.  Veggies, hummus, and some chips were enjoyed on the side.  After this plate I also chomped into an apple

photo 4(file footage again)

For a mid afternoon snack I ate one of these granola bars


(picture stolen from Amanda)

And ate a juicy orangephoto 5

Before I headed off to body attack I had a small bowl of cereal with milk.

Dinner photo 3A fried egg sandwich with cheese, avocado, tomato, spinach, and ketchup.  That little pickle on the side was so so good and helped bring up my salt levels 😉

To finish off the night I polished off a bowl of cereal with black berries and strawberries.  Why don’t I eat this more often?

wiaw dinner


1) Do you ever wish you had more hours in the day?

2) Do you have a favourite day of the week?

WIAW 15/01/2014 With a Little Extra Thrown In

How is the week half way through already!?  I feel like I just woke up and it was Monday.  I know I love weekends but I don’t really enjoy when the weekdays go by in a blur.  In an interesting note today I have had the opportunity to take up horse back riding lessons again.  I used to ride and compete back in Jr. High through to University but had to give it up as it became a huge financial commitment.  I think that if I start again, I will make sure that it’s very casual (in formality that is) at least starting out.  To be honest I have missed it like crazy so hopefully I can be back up in the saddle again 🙂

Well seeing as it is Wednesday there should be a little focus on the eats of Wednesday Tuesday.  Thanks Jenn at Peas and Crayons and all who participate for making WIAW such a success!

WIAW fun food fitness july button


Before I left for work I did snack on a handful of cereal as I put my actual breakfast together that I eat at work.  That breakfast was coffee followed by a yogurt, fruit, and cereal bowl.  I only had half the banana in the bowl so I saved the other half for a little way into the morning.  It was very satisfying and kept me full until it was snack time.


(old pictures because I was to hungry to remember to take any this morning)


The morning snack today was a large apple

(file footage again)

(file footage again)

followed by some leftover cold pizza that John made on the weekend

(first actual picture of the day.  Looks appetizing doesn't it ;)

(first actual picture of the day. Looks appetizing doesn’t it 😉

Seeing as this WIAW involves fitness as well as food I will include my workout.  Around lunch time I headed to the gym to hit up the treadmill for a 10km run.  I just have to mention again how awesome the ipad mini is and how amazing Netflix is.  It made the run fly by!  But I really can’t wait to get outside running again.

By the time I got back to the office I was more than ready for…

Lunchphoto 2It sorta fell apart but in the wrap is leftover salmon from Monday nights dinner along with some cheese, veggies and mustard.  On the side were some veggies, hummus, and some Food Should Taste Good Chips (love ’em).

That kept me going for most of the afternoon aside from half a granola bar that I had but didn’t really like, hence only eating half.  It was a Fibre One bar I found in the office kitchen but it tasted kind of chemically and artificial.

After a packed train ride home and a really busy work day I was able to get a little creative in the kitchen and whipped up a chicken Masala from a recipe I had found in my Quinoa Revolution Cookbook —> highly recommend this book for nutritious and quick dinners.

Dinnerphoto 3In the bowl is the Chicken Masala with Quinoa underneath and a side salad.

hmmmm wasn’t fun part of this WIAW button?  hmmmmmmmmm does taking down the Christmas tree count?  No, I didn’t think so either but it had to get done.  Bye bye treephoto 4

I am writing this Tuesday night but I am thinking that the night will end with a little TV/Tea/Snacking time.

photo 5

Have a great Wednesday!


1) Have you ever tried Quinoa?  Do you like it?  I have to say I LOVE it!

2) When do you take down your Christmas tree?

3) How do you usually end your nights?

A little more snow for ya?

Good morning! Good morning da da da da dum dum 😀  Just a little musical introduction for you to start your day.  How was your Monday?  Sorry about the late post yesterday, I was having some technical difficulties but I think I have them ironed out now.

Want to know what happened yesterday!?….. This….Bd5Hl5iCYAA8g-7

mmmmmm yay more snow…. and it was my favorite type, the un-forecasted HA.  It really makes me jealous of coworkers is Hawaii!  The winds were just a whipping last night but died down while John and I commuted to work and it was actually quite nice and almost warm.  Fast forward an hour and you have the above picture (I stole it from social media).  All of a sudden the windows were rattling and it sounded like little pellets were hitting the window.  I think my whole office let out a collected sigh of frustration.  Oh well, it made the morning extra cozy in the office 🙂

At lunch I decided to brave the outdoors to get to the gym were got a little cardio done and most of a NTC workout in.  I am not sure if it’s the cold or what but the sweat was just pouring off my face (TMI?) YECH but I guess in a good way.

I just need to reiterate how wonderful last nights dinner was and that if you like shrimp and spicy food you should make this!

Shrimp Creole


Recognise this photo from yesterday?

I had it warmed up for lunch yesterday and I think it might have been even better than last night 🙂  It really hit the spot and filled me up for the whole afternoon.

Have a great day!


1) Are you counting down the days until spring?  I really noticed that it is lighter already in the evenings!

2) Do you like spicy food?

3) Have you tried the Nike Training Club App yet?  If not you should!

WIAW 01/08/2014

Hi there an happy hump day!  How was your Tuesday?  Mine was pretty average aside from a very early wake up call (5 am and I are not friends).  I have to say that this first week back after Christmas break is DRAAAAAAAAGING and I already can’t wait for the weekend.

Well it sure feels like a long time since I was able to partake in a food filled WIAW!  And to be honest I really missed them, so here we go!  P.S. thanks to Jenn over at peas and crayons for hosting and all the other bloggers that participate!

Breakfastphoto 1

The best meal of the day in my opinion started out with a coffee (uhhhhh where are the red cups!?) and was quickly followed by…photo 2

A big bowl of overnight oats that I topped with raspberries, blackberries, peanut butter, a little granola for crunch, and some almond milk.

I was feeling a little hungry still after that so munched on a banana.  Although this one looks a little green (to me) it was actually really sweet and tasty!
photo 3

I worked through the morning until my stomach started grumbling around 11am so I grabbed my massive apple!  Envious of my Envy apple? photo 4

After working another hour I hit the gym for a 20min elliptical followed by an a shoulder and arm workout on the NTC app that were about 15min long each and had me working up a good sweat.

After a super quick shower I got back to the office and immediately warmed up my….


bb chiliA recycled photo but it was basically my black bean chilli with quinoa and a wrap on the side.

After working a few more hours I broke for a snack break

First up was a delicious orange and some veggies with humus (not pictured) I was still hungry so I put some yogurt and milk into a mug and topped it with some more granola (I am beginning to realize that I eat a lot of oats everyday).

photo 1 photo 2

This saw me to the end of the work day and through to dinner (which was really only a couple of hours away)

Dinnerphoto 3

I love a quick dinner and enjoy them even more when they are packed with veggies and shrimp!  I thought together a fast stir fry of a multitude of veggies I had sitting in our fridge along with a heaping helping of brown rice.  It turned out really really well!

Bedtime Snack

I love having a good snack before bed.  If I don’t have one I wake up absolutely starving!  This time while watching a little breaking bad I had another massive apple with peanut butter and a hot cup of this tea (I am in love with it by the way!).  If you like chocolate and coconut please try it!

photo 2 (1)Questions:

1) Do you still have the red cups at your Starbucks?

2) What is you favourite flavour(s) of tea?


Friday Flash Freeze Warning!

Hi friends!   Wow Friday just doesn’t seem the same when you’ve had a week off haha.  I can’t believe that I have a whole other week off after this too 😀  So I have some good and bad news…. The good news is we finally got our furniture from Crate and Barrel… the bad news is we have to send back our couch because it is damaged 😦 Gah so frustrating.  At least the coffee table that we bought is in good shape.

So John and I have been a busy pair today.  We have started to fix up the shower in the bathroom upstairs.  It was needing some new grout and sealing.  Let’s just say we’ve learned a ton about grout… Who knew!

We have had some good eats along the way as well today.  Breakfast featured oatmeal.photo 1It’s been a while since I have actually wanted this for breakfast.  I think I oatmealed myself  out over the last few weeks.  I topped this lovely bowl with apples, coconut, and peanut butter.

We then headed out to Rona to pick up our supplies to start on the bathroom and then back to our house to start our project.  I think it came along quite well today.  We have to let the grout and any areas were water made it’s way in to dry out before we start patching it up.  Half way through the scraping we broke for lunchphoto 2

Left over split pea and ham soup that I made for dinner last night and a slice of home made bread.  It really hit the spot but I grabbed half of a cookie and an apple afterwards for something sweet.

I was able to head out the the gym for a super quick work out and was able to snap this picture of a storm rolling in over the cityphoto 3

We are in a flash freeze warning, ya I wasn’t sure about what this was but it sounded pretty epic.  Evidently the temperature is going to drop quite dramatically from the pleasantly warm temps we have had lately.  If all the water that is on the sidewalks and roads freezes overnight things are going to get quite treacherous.  Makes me wonder what the roads are going to be like tomorrow morning when we head out skiing for the first time this year.

Have a great night everyone!


1) Have you ever had to return something you were really really looking forward to getting?

2) Have you had to do any home improvements lately?

3) What winter activities do you like?

A Quick Tuesday Chat

Why hello to everyone out there in blog world.  How is everyone today?  Is the week off to a good start?  My day got off to a bit of a rocky start Monday morning starting with a good half inch of new snow on top of ice (no bike into work :()and getting into a little spat with John.  This left me really grumpy for a good few hours. But the snow was almost completely melted by the afternoon and John and I’s spat blew over just a s quickly.

After getting to work after grabbing a coffee from Starbucks (the red cup helped to lift my mood) a sat down to get some work done before breaking out the overnight oats I had prepped on Sunday.  In the mix was some coco powder, pumpkin (you can’t taste it but I know it’s there ;)), peanut butter, strawberries, and pomegranate seeds.  Phew evidently I like my toppings and mix ins!bfast

A huge platter of cheese, crackers, dried fruit, veggies, and hummus arrived mid morning so I snacked on that for most of the morning and it really held me over until my lunchtime work out.  I’ve said it a few times, but I will say it again, that NTC app is no joke.  I did a toning workout and I couldn’t believe the sweat that was dripping off my face!  This will sound gross, but it was actually starting to form a little puddle on my matt.  Definitely had to wipe that thing down afterwards.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with work until and checking things off my to do list before Friday.  I think I made some good headway and plan to check more off of that list today.  OOO and speaking of work, it’s Christmas party lunch day!  I am really excited to just have  a relaxed afternoon of fun with co workers.  Well I should run and finish packing up my bag for work.

Have a great day everyone!


1) What was the last argument you were in about?  Did it blow over quickly?

2) Does your work/school have Christmas parties?

3) What made you smile yesterday?

4) Can someone please tell me the difference between affect and effect?


Good morning fellow bloggers/blog readers!  I hope your morning is off to a great start.  Before I commence with my my daily chit chat I have to s a big…



Yup It’s the big 3-0 for him and I must say, better him than me 😀  The birthday plans for him include going for a pre dinner drink and then head UNA Pizza for some munch!  This is now a tradition that we have on his birthday.  The pizza at UNA is outstanding and I will give you look into the restaurant tomorrow… ooooo a perfect WIAW!

How was everyone’s Monday?  What did you get up to?  My day started out with a BIKE RIDE into work!  Oh how I had missed those the past week.  Since the temperatures were a little warmer we decided not to let a little snow stop us.  It was so great and the traffic was so bad after work yesterday we really felt we made the right decision.  Although, the ride home was a bit of a slog with the bike wanting to go every which way in little snow drifts.  We are definitely going to break out the bikes again today!

What else happened yesterday….

Well a little lunch time workout was squeezed in and another day crossed off the calendar until Christmas break!

John made a lovely Mahi Mahi for dinner with salad and the best potatoes I have had in a long time!  But I forgot to take a picture 😦

I made my granola bars again which you can find on my recipe page.

We finally have Netflix and so have decided to watch Breaking Bad.  And so far it’s so good!  Although I did have to hide my face for some of the gory bits last night.

And before I go I need to leave you with this (West Jet is one of Canada’s airlines 🙂 )

If you’re already in the Christmas spirit this might just put you over the top!!


1) Do you or your other half/family have any birthday traditions?

2) Are you a thick crust or thin crust pizza person?

3) Have or do you watch Breaking Bad?

Snow, Baking, and Neighbours Oh My

If the is posted in the morning than our power hasn’t gone off, we haven’t froze to death, and weren’t buried in a snow drift!  Father winter has blown in with force these last couple of days and isn’t supposed to leave us until the weekend.  I really hope that the mountains are getting this snow too!

So when we woke up yesterday morning we really had only three options to get to work; take the bus, take the train, or take Car2Go.  We chose Car2Go!  Car2Go is a great car share system in our city.  Once you have a membership you can drive the cars anywhere you like, but you must park them in a home zone.  To find a car near you just use the Car2Go app or you can find one to reserve for a half hour.  The cost is $.35/min and you have free parking in the downtown core.  So this morning John and I carpooled into the city for a total of $3.50 which is about half of the cost of transit.  You can find out more about the system here.  Oh and I forgot to mention that they are little white and blue smart cars… so cute!

Well after work and eating a great dinner made by John (Portobello mushroom burgers) I got a little fidgety so decided to get my baking face on and this happened.

photo 2

A batch of chocolate chip cookies and granola bars.  You can find my granola bar recipe here and my chocolate chip cookie recipe here.

After I had just finished taking the last batch of cookies out of the oven our new neighbour dropped by with a welcome gift!photo 1

On the left if Organic Vanilla Infused Raw Cane Sugar and on the right is Organic Vanilla Infused Honey (I think we will be friends :)).  The are made by Honey and Vanilla.  Please go and check out their web page it’s a healthy foodies dream!

Oh and thank you NTC for another but kicking workout!


1) What do you like to do on snowy winter nights?

2) Have you ever driven a smart car?

3) Do you ever look at a web page and immediately get taken in?

4) What mix ins would you add to granola bars?

Peanut Butter Fingers

Living a Life Fueled by Healthy Food and Fitness

Eating 4 Balance

Learning to Eat with Food Allergies in a Processed World

Fitness is Sweet

A college student explores the world through health and fitness

Food, Farts, and Frustration

We eat, we toot, we complain about stuff. Other things happen too.

Happy Wife Healthy Life

Just another WordPress.com site

AMP Body Fitness



Finding a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle

Wandering and Wondering.

Swiss voice, blonde mane, sass&sarcasm.


Running and Laughing through the Golden State


grapefriend. wine. fun.

Chocolate Covered Race Medals

Where I race to the chocolate bar

I Heart Vegetables

Easy recipes and simple tips for living a healthier, happier life!

Nutty for Life

A Twenty-Something's Thoughts About Healthy Living and Peanut Butter