Tag Archives: Fro Yo

Thinking Out Loud Thursday 16/01/2014


“You either run from things, or you face them, Mr. White”

That opening was for my awesome friend but I G rated haha.  She is full of good ideas.  Turns out we are both really into breaking bad, so so good!

Well time to join up with the…


Party!  Thanks for hosting Amanda!


1) I can’t believe I got another late fine on my library card.  I think I might be a lost cause in getting books back to the library in time.  Did I mention I love my ipad?  I can’t wait to start using it as my book 😀

2) Work has been really really busy this week and I am going to use that as my excuse for lack of pictures in the post.  And by lack I mean none.  I actually feel really bad about this because having pictures of my day to look back on make me happy…. even if they usually only involve food, but then again food makes me happy

3) I hate ice in the winter more than anything.  Yes more than working late on a Friday or going to the dentist to get a tooth filled.  It makes me so nervous walking around on the sidewalks these days.  I know I am going to get a face full of cement in my future.  Why the ice?  Well it warmed up significantly over the last couple of days, I mean we are talking positive double digit highs.  This is creating a big melt–> freeze–> angry Christine face.  I complain about the cold and know I am complaining about the warmth haha sorry 🙂

4) I went for Fro Yo with a friend last night and it was amazing.  Well actually I am writing this post before heading out for it, but I have to doubt it will be amazing.  I am trying to figure out my flavour combination as I write this.

5) While I am writing this I am making an omelette for dinner and I have to share that I think I just mastered the omelette flip WHAHOOO

6) I think I have become addicted to running again, but I am okay with this.  I love how it gives me time to clear my mind and lets me refocus.  It is especially enjoyable when you get to run outside like I did at lunch time on Wednesday.  Aside from the ice it was a very pleasant run.

7) John and I are currently planning a date night for Friday and are currently trying to think of a restaurant to try.  Keep an eye out for another review coming your way 🙂  I can’t even remember the last time the two of us went out together.

8) I have been wanting to bake all week but always seem to loose interest at the end of the day.  Hopefully this weekend I will finally get a chance to make these which I have been drooling over at Running with spoons.


9) I am currently loving the TV series breaking bad.  John and I have been watching an episode every night this week (contributing to my baking lazies?) and marvel at how ingenious the writers are.  I want to be a chemist now haha

10) I am finally getting my hair cut tomorrow and am having a dilemma… do I go short on stay long?  decisions decisions…I guess we’ll see over the weekend 😉


1) tell me a thought that has been rolling around in your head!  (yes I know it’s not a question)

Itchy Throat Giveaway and HAPPY FRIDAY!

I have a fresh batch of cookies for anyone who wants to trade throats for a day or two (people who are also sick need not apply)!  What!?  No takers?  Come on…. all I want in a non itchy throat for mine that is driving me up the wall!  Yes I know I posted  the other day that my cold wasn’t that bad but I guess I jinxed it 😦  I woke up on Thursday morning with a really plugged nose and a throat that feels like I have swallowed glass :(:( I think it’s just being caused by some post nasal drip (TMI?) but bahhhhhhhhhh GO AWAY!  How was that for a blog post introduction?

On a nicer note I received some lovely flowers from my coworkers after they found out my Grandma passed away over the Christmas holidays.

photo (8)

It was so thoughtful of them.  The flowers are so cheerful and beautiful and remind my of my grandma who will forever be in my heart.

Well I have finally officially changed my last name 😀  I will be receiving my new health care card and drivers licence in the mail in a couple of weeks.  Oh and if anyone else is in the process of changing their last name, the ask for your new signature at the registry office.  That really caught me off guard and I had to come up with my new signature on the spot, needless to say it is not very creative.  Oh well life goes on.  I also managed to pick up some face cream, that I had run out of many moons ago, cough medicine for above mentioned throat, and toothpaste.  YAY for a very productive lunch hour but not a very interesting post.  Sorry my day was not very interesting by any means but…. tomorrow is another day (and it’s Friday as I am writing this Thursday night)!


I really hope I am able to rally a little health wise for the weekend because it is shaping up into a nice busy one. Saturday is a baby shower, Sunday= FRO YO :D, and John and I hope to watch the hobbit one night.

Well this is about all I can muster for Thursday night, I think I am going to head back to my previous position…photo (7)

Have an amazing friday everyone!


1) What are your plans for the weekend?  Are you busy with friends and family?

2) Are you a procrastinator?

3) Seriously, anyone want to take my itchy throat!?

WIAW #3 and I am an Addict of Body Attack

Hey!  How is everyone doing today?  Well it is officially hump day and you know what that means!  Time for another round of WIAW (eats from Tuesday!) with a shout out to Jenn for hosting!

wiaw fall into good habits button

So I need to be honest guys.  My eats from work days are rather similar and getting a tad on the boring side.  I think next week it will be eats from a day on the weekend!  That’s when I get to have fun with my food!  Anyways since it is Wednesday and I hadn’t documented a day of eats from the weekend here is Tuesday.


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In the bowl: Overnight oats with pumpkin, bananas, and strawberries with a glob of peanut butter and some unsweetened vanilla almond milk.  On the side I had my first mandarin orange of the season with a hot cup of coffee (coffee X2).  Does anyone else call these Christmas oranges?  I don’t know about you but there is something about the smell and peeling them that gets me in the holiday spirit (even if it is a tad early)!

Snack 1:  A big crispy Ambrosia  apple and some rice crackers (not pictured)



Lunch:  was my stand by tuna wrap, veggies, and humus.


Not long after that I was craving something sweet…

Snack 2: The first part is not pictured but it was a slice of pumpkin bread…. ya not that great!  But I did also have a handful of these lovely little yogurt covered pretzels.  They have yogurt on them so they are a healthy food right!?


After work I headed to another body attack class with my friend.  My friend is amazing, just so you know.  She forgot here shoes but didn’t let that stop her, she did the whole class in just socks!  OH, and after my first Les Mills class I think I am hooked.  I am just sad I only had a 3 time free pass card, I don’t think I will be going regularly once I have to pay. $15 a pop is just a little too steep for this girl.

Dinner: Had to be a little later than normal due to Body Attack


Dinner was a one egg and two egg white omelette with spinach and swiss cheese.  On the side I had another HUGE apple and a slice of toast topped with peanut butter and banana.  And I had to go back for a bowl of cereal which I ate too quickly to take a picture of… GET IN MY BELLY!

Well that’s it for this WIAW.  I hope everyone had some really good eats today!


What is the best thing you ate today?

Do you need to end a meal on a sweet note?

What is your standby meal when it is late/needs to be quick?


WIAW #2 and a Few Random Thoughts

Well look at us back at another Wednesday.  I am officially just cresting the hump and getting ready for the downward slide to the weekend!  Before I get onto my WIAW post I just wanted write down a few very random things before I forgot them…

  1. I have decided I am not a take a picture of my workout/Garmin/machine stats kind of girl.  Great on those who do!  I’ve tried but I just seem to consistently forget to or feel too awkward.  That being said…
  2. I did a good 10k run on the treadmill this morning and it felt great.  It was one of those I was even sweating after showering kind of runs.  WOOO
  3. A strong desire to head to States on a shopping trip is creeping into my bones.  I think this was mostly brought on by talking to a lady at the gym this morning about her vacation to Florida.  Just slightly jealous of the outlet shopping she did.  To be honest though, I would likely come back with more food from Trader Joes than I would clothing.
  4. On the topic of cravings…. can we talk about Fro Yo?  I am getting from the realms of wanting to needing…. Yikes!

Well thanks for listening.  Now onto WIAW with a big thanks to Jenn for hosting!



photo 1In the bowl: plain Greek yogurt, regular plain yogurt, banana, black berries, strawberries, grapes, shredded wheat, and Dorset cereal (love that stuff).  On the side I had the rest of the banana and my first coffee.  This sure tasted good after the 10km run!

Snack 1: photo 3 A super juicy navel orange and some rice crackers (not pictured)photo 2Coffee number 2!  And no wonder I was starving at lunch time, that isn’t enough to hold this girl through the morning.

 photo 4photo 5

Lunch consisted of a good ‘ol tuna wrap, veggies and an apple.  I still had the munchies after that so I also chowed down on those Bunny Grahams.  I’m telling you those are not half bad!

Snack 2:

photo 1

A small mug of Shredded Wheat and Dorset cereal with pomegranate seeds and coconut almond milk mmmm.  That fuelled my walk home from work.


photo 2 photo 3Dinner was a one egg and two egg white omelette with sautéed onion, red pepper, mushroom and spinach.  I deglazed the veggies with balsamic vinegar before adding it to the eggs along with some fresh goat cheese….drool.  I dished that up alongside a piece of PB&J Toast and some left over salad.

Dinner didn’t really fill me up so I munched on some raisins and dried cereal while I prepared a batch of pumpkin muffins.  These muffins might be a little too healthy… we’ll see how they turn out.

Well that’s it for my second WIAW.  I hope everyone had some really good eats today!


What is the best thing you ate today?

What is one random thing I should know about you?

What are your favourite Fro Yo toppings?

Peanut Butter Fingers

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