Thinking Out Loud Thursday 16/01/2014


“You either run from things, or you face them, Mr. White”

That opening was for my awesome friend but I G rated haha.  She is full of good ideas.  Turns out we are both really into breaking bad, so so good!

Well time to join up with the…


Party!  Thanks for hosting Amanda!


1) I can’t believe I got another late fine on my library card.  I think I might be a lost cause in getting books back to the library in time.  Did I mention I love my ipad?  I can’t wait to start using it as my book 😀

2) Work has been really really busy this week and I am going to use that as my excuse for lack of pictures in the post.  And by lack I mean none.  I actually feel really bad about this because having pictures of my day to look back on make me happy…. even if they usually only involve food, but then again food makes me happy

3) I hate ice in the winter more than anything.  Yes more than working late on a Friday or going to the dentist to get a tooth filled.  It makes me so nervous walking around on the sidewalks these days.  I know I am going to get a face full of cement in my future.  Why the ice?  Well it warmed up significantly over the last couple of days, I mean we are talking positive double digit highs.  This is creating a big melt–> freeze–> angry Christine face.  I complain about the cold and know I am complaining about the warmth haha sorry 🙂

4) I went for Fro Yo with a friend last night and it was amazing.  Well actually I am writing this post before heading out for it, but I have to doubt it will be amazing.  I am trying to figure out my flavour combination as I write this.

5) While I am writing this I am making an omelette for dinner and I have to share that I think I just mastered the omelette flip WHAHOOO

6) I think I have become addicted to running again, but I am okay with this.  I love how it gives me time to clear my mind and lets me refocus.  It is especially enjoyable when you get to run outside like I did at lunch time on Wednesday.  Aside from the ice it was a very pleasant run.

7) John and I are currently planning a date night for Friday and are currently trying to think of a restaurant to try.  Keep an eye out for another review coming your way 🙂  I can’t even remember the last time the two of us went out together.

8) I have been wanting to bake all week but always seem to loose interest at the end of the day.  Hopefully this weekend I will finally get a chance to make these which I have been drooling over at Running with spoons.


9) I am currently loving the TV series breaking bad.  John and I have been watching an episode every night this week (contributing to my baking lazies?) and marvel at how ingenious the writers are.  I want to be a chemist now haha

10) I am finally getting my hair cut tomorrow and am having a dilemma… do I go short on stay long?  decisions decisions…I guess we’ll see over the weekend 😉


1) tell me a thought that has been rolling around in your head!  (yes I know it’s not a question)

About Christine@munchkinmumbles

Enjoyment in food fitness family and friends

4 responses »

  1. I hate ice too, but I’m not sure I’d rank it above getting a tooth filled — the dentist is seriously the scariest thing to me. That and getting blood taken. But both involve needles. Eeep! The weather, though… it’s been amazing. I can’t believe it’s actually above freezing in January. We hit 8 yesterday, and if it wasn’t for the insane wind, it would have actually been a pretty nice day. I could definitely get used to this…

    • Ya it’s true, needs are no fun at all. The worst have to be the ones in the mouth GAH it seems like some kind of torture device…YOU WILL START TO FLOSS!!
      The weather is so good! I can’t wait for this weekend, 13oC on Saturday in Calgary!? Finally!

  2. It’s been in the HIGH 40S for the past week, which is crazy! All the snow and ice is melting so we have a ton of slush everywhere with puddles! It’s fun trying to dodge those, ha! 😉 I love my hair long! It’s getting kind of ridiculous right now but I’m growing it out until I know how I’m doing my hair for the wedding.

    • I miss being a kid and jumping in those puddles. Might have to invest in some rubber boots. Haha I didn’t cut my hair before my wedding, which was in August, either but haven’t been back since. It is getting a little out of control. How do you think you want to wear your hair?


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