Daily Archives: January 10, 2014

Itchy Throat Giveaway and HAPPY FRIDAY!

I have a fresh batch of cookies for anyone who wants to trade throats for a day or two (people who are also sick need not apply)!  What!?  No takers?  Come on…. all I want in a non itchy throat for mine that is driving me up the wall!  Yes I know I posted  the other day that my cold wasn’t that bad but I guess I jinxed it 😦  I woke up on Thursday morning with a really plugged nose and a throat that feels like I have swallowed glass :(:( I think it’s just being caused by some post nasal drip (TMI?) but bahhhhhhhhhh GO AWAY!  How was that for a blog post introduction?

On a nicer note I received some lovely flowers from my coworkers after they found out my Grandma passed away over the Christmas holidays.

photo (8)

It was so thoughtful of them.  The flowers are so cheerful and beautiful and remind my of my grandma who will forever be in my heart.

Well I have finally officially changed my last name 😀  I will be receiving my new health care card and drivers licence in the mail in a couple of weeks.  Oh and if anyone else is in the process of changing their last name, the ask for your new signature at the registry office.  That really caught me off guard and I had to come up with my new signature on the spot, needless to say it is not very creative.  Oh well life goes on.  I also managed to pick up some face cream, that I had run out of many moons ago, cough medicine for above mentioned throat, and toothpaste.  YAY for a very productive lunch hour but not a very interesting post.  Sorry my day was not very interesting by any means but…. tomorrow is another day (and it’s Friday as I am writing this Thursday night)!


I really hope I am able to rally a little health wise for the weekend because it is shaping up into a nice busy one. Saturday is a baby shower, Sunday= FRO YO :D, and John and I hope to watch the hobbit one night.

Well this is about all I can muster for Thursday night, I think I am going to head back to my previous position…photo (7)

Have an amazing friday everyone!


1) What are your plans for the weekend?  Are you busy with friends and family?

2) Are you a procrastinator?

3) Seriously, anyone want to take my itchy throat!?

Peanut Butter Fingers

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Eating 4 Balance

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Fitness is Sweet

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Food, Farts, and Frustration

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Happy Wife Healthy Life

Just another WordPress.com site

AMP Body Fitness



Finding a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle

Wandering and Wondering.

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Running and Laughing through the Golden State


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Nutty for Life

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