Daily Archives: January 7, 2014

Long time no chat

Well hello!  I know it’s been a day or two…. okay a week but here I am again.  A lot has happened in this last week and I just didn’t feel the want/have the time to get back to the blog.  I think I just needed some 100% family time with the event of my grandma passing just over a week ago.  I honestly can’t believe that last on this day last week I was at the airport waiting with my brother for our flight to Toronto.  It still feels like a complete dream.  It felt really good to go to Toronto to be around so many family members and friends of the family.  My grandma was a woman loved by so many people.  It really brought into perspective what is important in life and what really matters in the end.  It’s not how much money you made, how many hours you worked, and all the material things you accumulated.  In the end it is the friends you’ve made and kept, how you treated and helped people in life, and the time and love you’ve shared with people.  My grandma was a person who seemed to find joy in bringing happiness to those around her and shared so much love with her husband, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and friends.

My brother and I arrived back in Calgary last Friday and it has been a busy couple of days since.  The weekend consisted of lots of good eats, reading this book, hitting the gym a couple of times, unpacking, and having my brother over for dinner.  Over all it was a great weekend although our hot water tank did spring a leak which mean getting a plumber in on Wednesday $$$$$$ 😦  Oh well what can you do right?  I just wish I could have spent that money on something fun!  Do we really need hot water?????

And just a random photo of a few of the boys on my dad’s sidephoto 2Grandpa, Father, and Bro


Have you ever had to call a plumber?

How big is your family?

What is one of the most important things in life to you (other than family cuz that’s just a given right ;))

Peanut Butter Fingers

Living a Life Fueled by Healthy Food and Fitness

Eating 4 Balance

Learning to Eat with Food Allergies in a Processed World

Fitness is Sweet

A college student explores the world through health and fitness

Food, Farts, and Frustration

We eat, we toot, we complain about stuff. Other things happen too.

Happy Wife Healthy Life

Just another WordPress.com site

AMP Body Fitness



Finding a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle

Wandering and Wondering.

Swiss voice, blonde mane, sass&sarcasm.


Running and Laughing through the Golden State


grapefriend. wine. fun.

Chocolate Covered Race Medals

Where I race to the chocolate bar

I Heart Vegetables

Easy recipes and simple tips for living a healthier, happier life!

Nutty for Life

A Twenty-Something's Thoughts About Healthy Living and Peanut Butter