Daily Archives: January 28, 2014

Looking Forward

Well if the rest of the week continues like Monday did than the weekend will be here before we know it!  Time sure goes when you are busy with copious deadlines!  Keeping them all straight is starting to get difficult.  How was your Monday?  I hope your week is off to a great start.  As I am writing this I am listening to a song that makes me want to cut my ears off!  Valentine or Valentines day something… worse than nails on a chalk board!  And it turns out it was David Bowie….. interesting.

Well I thought it would be fun to write about what my non-work week is going to look like so far.


Made this for dinner!

photo 2

Rather than chicken, I added shrimp.  Anyone else out there love Iowa Girl Eats?

Pick up some groceries and hit up MEC for some bike gear.  I am jealous of the States for having so many things we don’t have and would trade some of our stores for theirs, but NOT MEC!  That store takes a lot of this outdoorsy girls money.

Eat a snack and watch Breaking Bad followed by reading (the Hunger Games) and bed!


I kind of want to hit up a body attack class but that would mean me signing up at Goodlife.  It might happen…. If not, I do need to get to a mall to buy some clothes.  It is actually becoming a NEED rather than a want :S I also need to start organizing some of our legal/tax documents and appliance manuals

Eat a snack and watch Breaking Bad followed by some reading and bed (this becomes a theme)


Hit up a yoga class if my leg/IT/Hip flexor feels like it’s up to it.  If not I either want to finish the Hunger Games (AHHHHH SO SO GOOD) or catch up with a friend.


FLAMES GAME!!!!!!  I was given a couple of tickets to the game on Thursday night against the Sharks.  Should be a really fun night!


I hope to have a massage booked.  If not I will plan something with friends!

Saturday and Sunday

The days are pretty open so far.  I know I want to make a slow cooker pot roast plus run some errands and I know there is talk of seeing a movie.


1) Is there a particular song you can’t stand?

2) What are you most looking forward to this week?

Peanut Butter Fingers

Living a Life Fueled by Healthy Food and Fitness

Eating 4 Balance

Learning to Eat with Food Allergies in a Processed World

Fitness is Sweet

A college student explores the world through health and fitness

Food, Farts, and Frustration

We eat, we toot, we complain about stuff. Other things happen too.

Happy Wife Healthy Life

Just another WordPress.com site

AMP Body Fitness



Finding a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle

Wandering and Wondering.

Swiss voice, blonde mane, sass&sarcasm.


Running and Laughing through the Golden State


grapefriend. wine. fun.

Chocolate Covered Race Medals

Where I race to the chocolate bar

I Heart Vegetables

Easy recipes and simple tips for living a healthier, happier life!

Nutty for Life

A Twenty-Something's Thoughts About Healthy Living and Peanut Butter