WIAW and Thinking Out Loud Combo 13/02/2014

Well hello there!  And hello Thursday 😀  I have had a pretty busy work day on Wednesday i.e. it is currently 7:45 pm and I am still working (at home).  Le sigh…..  So how is your week going?  I personally am shocked that we are one day from Friday WHOOP!  Does anyone have any plans for Valentines Day?  I will address our plans in todays combo of…


Thank you to both Jenn and Amanda for hosting these fantastic link ups!  I am going to try and combine these two fantastic days into one post!Okay well here is my first random thought… 1) Why is wordpress centring all my text?  Frustrating…..2) I am so proud of how Canada is doing in the Olympics!  We are putting up a really good showing for these games 😀  I can’t wait to watch some more events!Now how about some eats from Tuesday!Breakfast! photo 1-2 photo 3Overnight oats with PB, black berries, and strawberries.  All topped off with some milk and a hot coffee on the side.  Perfect start to the day!Snackphoto 4A really good apple!  I also had another cup of coffee.  And then the saddest part of the day happened…photo 2-1the last sip of coffee 😦Thinking out loud 3) I really like milk in my coffee but not cream because I don’t like the taste.  People always look at me funny if I say they offer a coffee and if they only have cream and no milk that I will take it black.  And then I always feel judged….Thought 4) I am pretty sure I also ate a banana in there as well.  Until a couple of years ago I used to HATE bananas, as in they made me gag.  Now I eat at least one a day, but only if they are ripe and getting little brown spots on the peelLunchphoto 5Not very exciting, but in the wrap was tuna, cheese, some veggies, and mustard.  I always heat them up so that the cheese gets melty.  On the side were some veggies, Food Should Taste Good chips, and hummus.  Thought 5) I love salads but I can’t even try to think about having one for lunch these days.  It’s just too cold for me to crave cold food.  I even have to warm up sandwiches for the to seem appealing.Thought 6) Even thought it’s been -26oC every morning this week John and I have biked in.  I can’t even describe how much better it is than paying $12 each per day and cramming onto the train.  Plus it gets the blood pumping in the morning.Afternoon Snackphoto 1-3A triple chocolate chunks ahoy cookie (or two ;)) and a cold glass of grapefruit juice mixed with soda water.  Perfect for an afternoon pick me up!  I am pretty sure I snacked on a few more chips as well.Thought 7) How do early birds catch the worms in the morning on freezing winter mornings when the ground is frozen?  It is this thought that makes me think we should all get up as late as possible in the winter.  Because the early bird starves to death in the cold.Thought 8) My blog celebrated it’s first birthday last weekend.  I am so happy that I have been consistent with it.  It’s been so much fun and I have met so many neat people 😀  It really is a bright spot of my day to sit down and blog.


photo 2-2Dinner was an awesome chicken burger on a whole wheat bun.  On the side was a sweet potato with salsa and greek yogurt. I also had a big side salad for some greens.

Thought 9) I love ending my nights with tea.  I think I have tried all of Davids Tea desert teas!

Thought 10) John is now showing off his karate skills… makes me laugh.  Love him!

Bedtime snackphoto 2A home made granola bar!

Well that 10 thoughts and my eats!  I hope you have a great week day 😀


1) Tell me one random fact about yourself.

2) Do you have a favourite olympic event?



About Christine@munchkinmumbles

Enjoyment in food fitness family and friends

5 responses »

  1. Christian hates bananas too! I don’t understand how that’s possible. They’re so delicious! Oh well… just means more banana bread for me! 😉 Christian and I have no plans for Valentine’s Day… at least none that I’m aware of! I LOVE figure skating! It’s my favorite Olympic event by far! In the summer Olympics, gymnastics is my fave!

    • HAHA for me it was the texture and dryness of them. I guess they were like olives to me, the more I ate the more I came to enjoy them! I watched a little of the pairs figure skating yesterday, they make it look so easy. Gymnastics is just pure amazing!

  2. Ohhhh happy bloggy birthday! 😀 Blogging has rocked my world in the best possible way, and I honestly couldn’t imagine life without it. And heck YES Canada is rocking the Olympics! I still remember the ones 4 years ago where we basically dominated everything. As for my favourite sport to watch… snowboarding… always snowboarding ❤

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary, Christine! Your chicken burger dinner plate looks fantastic. Nothing beats ending the day w/ something sweet. I’ve been having a small size pb smoothie before bed lately.

    Have a great day, girl!


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