Daily Archives: February 25, 2014

WIAW 26/02/2014 going Wheat Free

I am back! Sorry about disappearing again, life just got so busy and busy in a good way. What could be better than jumping back in for another WIAW eats from Tuesday 🙂 thanks to Jenn as always for hosting.

Well the day stared off frrrrreeeeeezzzzzing once again but john and I decided to brave the cold and peddle ourselves down to work. My tose nearly fell off… This meant that when I got to work a hot beverage was needed STAT! Enter coffee number one that was quickly followed by my hot oatmeal I prepared before work.
breakfast…photo 1 (2)

photo 2 (2)

I have been craving cooked oats much more than overnight oats these last few days.  I am putting it down to the cold weather.

Oh and before I get too far into this post I should mention that I am trying to go wheat free (not gluten free) for one month starting yesterday. Why? Because I read Wheat Belly and wanted to see if I am addicted to wheat. If I don’t notice any AMAZING benefits you can bet my first breakfast will be a bagel!  Please note that I have a good relationship with food.  If you are battling with food issues, please do not start to cut things out of your diet unless instructed to do so by a doctor.

Okay, onto snacks
There was a banana, an apple, and an un pictured rice cake or 2 with peanut butter and coffee number 2.photo 3

photo 3 (2)I worked hard through the morning and did a quick lunch gym session and had my first run in a month! It only lasted 20min and felt great but I won’t be pushing it anytime soon.

Needless to say I was really hangry hungry after and was ready for lunchphoto 4 (2)

Left over Kung pow chicken with quinoa and broccoli. I was still hungry so I had a granola bar as well (wheat free :D).photo 2

The afternoon had me munching on everything from chocolate to oranges to veggies with a sampling of dips including humus and artichoke dip !  I remembered in the nick of time to grab one picture of my last nibble of chocolate.photo 3

photo 4

By the time we rode home we were both more than ready for dinner of bass, barley, and roasted veggies!  I was snacking the hole time I was making this on almonds and some rice crackers.

photo 5

You can bet your bottom dollar there will be some snacking going on this evening too 😉 (turned out to be frozen blueberries)

Take care everyone!

1) have you ever tried to give up a food or addiction?
2) do you have any near freezing experiences?

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