MIMM 12/01/2014

Well happy Monday everyone! Are you ready for another week? My weekend was pretty good but not fantastic as I am still getting over my ridiculous cold šŸ˜¦ I decided to migrate from my throat to my nose plus a cough. The cough made things interesting on Sunday when we went to buy some fish. When it came to our turn to get what we wanted I started having a coughing attack and couldn’t even get out what I wanted to buy! Bah those are so annoying and only a cough drop helps, which I luckily had in my purse. Does anyone else get those attacks at the end of a cold? The rest of Sunday was spent napping, reading, and catching up on some tv. Unfortunately my for yo date had to be cancelled on account of my sickness šŸ˜¦

But enough on the downer parts of the weekend and move onto what’s marvellous in my Monday (thanks Katie for hosting).MiMM

marvellous is…. Slow cooker Sunday!

I used this recipe from the foodnetwork and it turned out absolutely great plus it made a lunch for both of us today!photo

marvellous is…. Attending a good friends baby shower!
She is due in February and expecting a boy! It was so fun to watch her unwrap so many adorable little things for a baby boy! So e people had some really good ideas! And I found out that the second cousin of a friend I went to the shower with, invented the diaper genie! Haha how cold is that!? I don’t have much contact with babies but I know how much parents rave about those things!

marvellous is… The iPad mini john got me for Christmas! It had been so much fun and was a really amazing gift!

And finally marvellous is…. Having my parents over for homemade pizza dinner! As usual we had such a great night but neglected to take photos. And john did most of the cooking and everything was great!

Have a great Monday!

1) what is something marvellous in your Monday
2) when was the last time you were sick?
3) what are you looking forward to this week?

About Christine@munchkinmumbles

Enjoyment in food fitness family and friends

5 responses »

  1. I’m getting over the crud too-and homemade pizza is the best!

  2. iPad love!! I have the Air and it’s amazing šŸ™‚

  3. 1. Something marvelous in my Monday was sipping a grapefruit-flavored sparkling water at work. Made me feel fancy (even though I was stuck in the office).

    2. The last time I was sick was right before Christmas, with an ear infection. Thankfully it was the weekend, so I sat in bed, armed with Tylenol and Netflix, until the antibiotics kicked in!

    3. This week I’m looking forward to a lunch date with my Aunt on Thursday. Love spending time with her (and taking a breather from work!).

    Hope you are feeling on the up-and-up quickly!

    • HAHA isn’t it funny how some things just seem fancy? To me it’s coffee in a to-go cup šŸ™‚

      We just signed up to Netflix and it has changed our lives for the better!

      Have a blast with your aunt. And thanks I am almost feeling 100% but poor husband sounds like he’s next on the cold hit list.


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