Tag Archives: bullies

Saturday Morning Feelings

Good morning to you and a very happy Saturday morning!  In Alberta we have a looooong weekend in honour of Remembrance Day.  It is nice to have some time to reflect on how privileged  we are to live in this country and that we owe that to the men and women who fought and are still fighting for our freedom.

Now yesterday I mentioned how I was just feeling a little emotionally down last week and I thought it would be nice to blog about it as a bit of an outlet.  To be honest I was feeling a little bit bullied for the last little while and wanted chat about how little things that are said or done can start to culminate into a bigger issue.  I am not going to divulge too many details as I still have not dealt with the situation in question and I also wanted to note that nothing hurtful has directly been said to me.  It has just been a lot disrespectful things being said about a general group.   First of all, yes I am 28 and was feeling bullied, proof that bullies exist at any age.  There have been ignorant things being said that at first I though I could just ignore, I mean I was above it anyway right?  However, after instances like this happen again and again it starts to get into your brain.  Little digs here and there just start to turn into a big festering wound which brings on an angry red mist that makes you start to question who you are and what you are capable of.  And this is what had me upset and hurt last week.  The things being said had me questioning my capabilities and made me question what is being said behind my back.  I know it is really vague, but I really need to deal with this and put a stop to it before I go into any more detail.  My personality is one that likes to avoid confrontation and the feeling of walking on egg shells when something is said.  I am so scared to hurt someone else’s feelings that I let mine take a beating instead.  I know that this isn’t right and I need to stand up for myself and not make excuses as to why I don’t.  Poor husband gets an earful a couple of times a week about this situation 🙂  I am so grateful to have him as an awesome listener and confidant in my life.

So there you have it…. wow I feel good for writing this all down.  There is something that really makes you stronger when you see what you’ve just written down.  I just wanted to say that those of you who have stood up to bulling or those kiddies that stand up to it are so strong and I really admire you!

And on a little bit of a lighter note I HAD CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST!

choc bfastSteel cut oats, 1 egg white, 1/2 a banana, a scoop of pumpkin and a heavy hand with the coco powder!  On top strawberries, blackberries, kasha, peanut butter, and dried coconut.  What a great start to a Saturday morning!


  1. How do you deal with delicate situations?
  2. Have you ever been bullied?  How did you stop it?
  3. Do you ever have chocolate for breakfast?


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